What to wear


Below is a list of items of what we recommend you need to wear for a YPA Session. Along with these you will need a towel and full change of clothes, as it is likely you will get wet while sailing and wet clothes will quickly make you cold.

Starting Kit (Cheaper)

Wooly Hat – One third of your heat is lost through your head.

Anorak – A thin nylon windproof works well.

Over trousers – Thin light ones work best. Sailing trousers – These will keep you warm and dry.

Trainers – to protect your feet.

Ideal (But Expensive)

Warm hat – A nice warm hat will keep your head warm and dry.

Oversuit – Keeps the wind and water off you and protects your wetsuit.

Wet boots – Wetboots with soft soles keep your feet warm and protect your feet.